The Boil

Shrimp with the heads on.  That was the one requirement for my sister, Amanda’s birthday dinner with me in the city.  It’s an oddly specific request, and one that needed to be filled.  A simple Google search for this type of a delicacy is not the simplest feat, but fortunately FourSquare came to the rescue. We made our way through the streets of Chinatown, past … Continue reading The Boil

Bahn Mi Saigon Bakery

Banh Mi Saigon easily blends into the landscape of Grand Street. Brightly colored signs with both Chinese and English lettering mark each shop, with the lingering smell of fish filling the air. Shop owners carefully watch their unrecognizable merchandise sitting on metal shelves outside the storefronts, as I walked down the street, sticking out like a sore thumb with my canvas backpack and pale skin. … Continue reading Bahn Mi Saigon Bakery